Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Halo halo semuanya! Minggu lalu aku jalan-jalan ke Singapura bareng teman-temanku. Posting kali ini aku mau cerita tentang liburanku ke Singapura ala Flashpacker.

Hello everyone! Last week,  I went to Singapore with my friends. This post is all about that trip. You can watch my vlog too, hope you'll enjoy it.

Oiya, pas hari pertama aku nginep di hostel dan gak enak banget. Kamarnya kecil dan gak gitu bersih :( AC nya cuma nyala dari jam 7 malam - 7 pagi. Kamar kosan lebih nyaman deh. Untungnya, hari-hari berikutnya aku tinggal di Arianna Hotel. Oke banget nih hotelnya, untuk single room nya emang kecil tapi bersih. Trus AC nya nyala 24 jam dong, ada TV, hair dryer dan ineternetnya ngebut ahahaha :D Untuk double room lebih luas dan ada kulkas kecilnya. Arianna Hotel ini lokasinya di depan Mustafa Center. Nah, Mustafa Center ini tempat belanja yang gede banget, mirip super market tapi jual semua-semuanya. Ada kosmetik, elektronik sampai emas.

Anyway, at the first night I stay at a hostel (a family room) and it was terrible. It's not really clean and the AC only available from 7 pm to 7 am. Also the internet connection is slow. I really recommend to stay at a hotel, even though a 3 stars hotel. Arianna hotel is a great choice. It's clean, AC is 24 hours, we got TV and a hair dryer too. The single room is very small but the double room isn't so small. There is a small refrigerator too on the double room. It is located in front of Mustafa Center. Mustafa Center is like a super market which has pretty much everything. I mean EVERYTHING! From cosmetics to branded watches, they also got souvenirs too. I spent most of my money there LOL

Oiya, Mustafa Center itu ada di Little India. Untuk kamu yang muslim, tinggal di sini pilihan tepat. Soalnya di sekitar sini makanannya HALAL. FYI, jangan order nasi goreng, karena gak ada rasanya LOL 

Anyway, both of Mustafa Center and Arianna Hotel are located in Little India. It's a perfect place to stay for Moeslem, because the food here is HALAL.

Kalau ke Singapura jangan lupa jalan-jalan ke Garden by The Bay. Taman bunga yang luas banget dan bagus. Ada area yang bayar dan gratis, untuk area yang bayar ada Flower Dome & Cloud Forest. Tiketnya sepaket sekitar 20 SGD. Aku saranin kamu beli di Indonesia, bisa beli di travel tour gitu, lebih murah lho.

You have to visit Garden by The Bay, because the view is so beautiful. There are FREE and Paid area. The paid one are Flower Dome & Cloud Forest. The ticket was about 20 SGD for both. You can buy the ticket in Indonesia (tour travel) which is cheaper than buy it in Singapore.

Yang gak boleh banget dilewatin pas ke Singapura itu main di Universal Studio Singapore. Seru banget lho, pas aku ke sana kemarin gak gitu penuh. Jadi ngantri tiap arena nya gak ada yang sampai 30 menit. Cuaca juga pas banget pas agak sore mendung gitu jadi gak gitu panas. Lagi-lagi aku beli tiket di Indonesia, jadi jauh lebih murah bisa hemat sampai sekitar 10 SGD lumayan banget kan. Jangan lupa juga beli jas ujan dari Indonesia ya, karena lebih murah juga, untuk main di arena yang basah-basahan :D

You just can't missed to visit Universal Studio Singapore! It was so fun! I was pretty happy that I don't have to queue for long time. I think I came in the right time. And again, I bought my ticket in Indonesia which is way cheaper. I can save about 10 SGD. Also, I bought a rain coat in Indonesia, yes it's also way cheaper. I'm so cheap LOL

Jangan lupa bawa uang yang banyak buat belanja, soalnya harga di Singapura cenderung lebih murah dan banyak yang gak dijual di Indonesia :D Makasih udah baca posting ini semoga berguna :)

Last, if you're planning to visit Singapore don't forget to bring a lot of money. Because there are a lot of good shopping place there. I bought a lot of stuffa but still need some more LOL
Hopefully you'll like this post and thanks for reading!

Jangan lupa ikutan giveaway yang hadiahnya oke banget :)


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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