Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Hey guys! Today, I wanna tell you my recent favorite eyebrow pencil. It's from Silkygirl. I got this lovely product from BBlogger Meet Up. If you wanna know why I love it, make sure to read this post.

Halo semuanya! Hari ini aku mau kasih tahu pensil alis kesukaanku akhir-akhir ini. Produk ini dari Silkygirl. Aku dapat dari acara BBlogger Meet Up. Kalau kamu penasaran, baca terus ya posting ini.


The dark brown color looks so natural. I also like the texture which is not too creamy. It makes me easier when refine my eyebrows.

Warna cokelat tuanya natural banget. Aku juga suka teksturnya yang gak gitu creamy. Jadi mudah saat dipakai untuk gambar alis.


Ok now, let see my eyebrows transition. See, it looks natural and match my hair color.

Nah, sekarang coba lihat foto before after alisku. Natural banget kan hasilnya, warnanya juga pas dengan rambutku.

Super happy with the result. Love Silkygirl Natural Brow Pencil so much! I believe the price is also affordable. As I know, the price of SilkyGirl's products is affordable.

Seneng banget sama hasilnya. Suka deh sama produk Silkygirl Natural Brow Pencil! Harganya juga aku yakin terjangkau. Setahuku semua harga produk dari SIlkyGirl memang terjangkau.

So, what do you think about this product?

Jadi, gimana menurutku tentang produk ini?


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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