Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Hello everyone! Today's post is about a makeup tool called mixing palette from Beauty Goods ID . It's a unique tools which I like so much. Wanna know hy? Make sure to read the whole post.

Halo semuanya! Posting kali ini aku akan membahas alat makeup yang namanya mixing palette dari Beauty Goods ID . Alat ini unik banget lho dan aku juga suka banget. Mau tau kenapa? Baca terus ya.

This mixing palette was one the products inside goodies from Beauty Bloggers Meet Up. Yes, I was so lucky, can be there couple months ago. Anyway, back to the palette. So, basicaly you can mixing some makeup products on it. For example, I like to mix my foundation with BB cream to get the perfect shade and texture.

Lagi-lagi aku dapat produk ini dari acara Beauty Bloggers Meet Up. Duh rasanya beruntung banget bisa hadir di acara yang diadakan 2 bulan lalu. Nah, palet ini bisa kamu gunakan sebagai alas untuk mencampur beberapa produk makeup. Contohnya, kalau aku biasa campur foundation dan bb cream. Untuk hasil tekstur dan warna makeup base yang pas.

I used to use the back of my hand as a palette when I mixing makeup base. But now I got this awesome tool, so happy! It's more higienis & easier ofcourse. I can even mix some liquid lip colors on it. So, if you're someone who loves makeup. I think this product is a must have!

Biasanya aku pakai bagian belakan telapak tangan kalau campur-campur makeup. Sekarang gak lagi deh. Jadi lebih praktis dan higienis. Bahkan aku bisa campur- campur beberapa warna liquid lipstick. Jadi kalau kamu suka maekup, harus banget nih punya produk ini.

You can get it at Beauty Goods ID .

Kamu bisa dapetin di Beauty Goods ID . J


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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