Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Body lotion is not enough to moisture my skin. That's why I use body oil too. I've been using Quinca Rich Body Oil from Skin Food for months. So, I'll tell you my opinion about it in this post. 

Body lotion saja gak cukup untuk melembabkan kulitku. Makanya aku juga pakai body oil. Beberapa bulan ini aku pakai body oil dari Skin Food, namanya Quinca Rich Body Oil. jadi posting kali ini tentang pendapatku mengenai produk ini.

♛ Packaging :  (7/10)
As you can see, there is nothing special with the packaging. I think the label on the bottle isn't stick properly. I like  how handy the bottle tho.

Kamu bisa lihat di kemasannya gak ada yang terlihat spesial. Menurutku label di botolnya gak ditempel dengan baik, jadi terlihat sedikit berantakan. Tapi aku suka bentuk botolnya yang praktis.

♛ Texture & Scent:  (9/10)
Well, of course the texture is oily, but this is what I like the most the most about it. It absorb onto my skin very fast. You you don't have to worry with the oily feeling on your skin. I also in love with the scent. It's like sweet floral something. I just can't describe it, but it's a very nice scent you know.

Teksturnya tentu saja oily, tapi yang aku suka pas dipakai di kulit langsung terserap. jadi kamu gak erlu kawatir akan terasa berminyak di kulitmu. Aku juga suka banget wanginya. Pokoknya enak deh wanginya, sulit dijelasin.

♛ Overall:  (8/10)
After using this body oil, my skin become so much better. Usually it's completely dry, even sometimes cracked between the fingers and also on knees. But now my skin is smoother and has nice smell. The price is also affordable if you buy it at online shop (pre order). I will definitely repurchase it. Let me know if you have a favorite body oil.

Setelah pakai body oil ini kulitku jadi lebih baik. Biasanya benar-benar kering kadang pecah-pecah di antara jari-jari dan lutut. Setelah pakai ini jadi lebih halus juga dan wanginya enak. Harganya juga gak gitu mahal kalau beli pre order di online shop. Pastinya nanti akan beli lagi kalau yang ini udah habis. kalau kamu punya body oil kesukaan jangan lupa share ya!


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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