Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

I've seen a lot of skin care products contain of Co-Q10. Co-Q10 is a vitamin that produced in out body, but as we age our body started to produced it less. You know, it has a lot of benefits for our skin, for example it helps our skin to produce collagen. That's why I try this mask from Kracie. Hadabesei Facial Mask Elasticity has Co-Q10 in the essence.

Sering kali aku lihat banyak produk skin care mengandung Co-Q10. Sebenarnya Co-Q10 itu seperti vitamin dan tubuh kita juga bisa menghasilkannya. Tapi semakin menua, maka produksinya juga menurun. Nah, manfaatnya juga bayak lho untuk kulit. Salah satunya membantu memproduksi collagen. Makanya aku coba masker dai Kracie. Hadabesei Facial Mask Elasticity yang ada kandungan Co-Q10.

♛ Packaging : (7/10)
Even though all the text are in Japanes at the front packaging but whenyou flip it there are some information in Bahasa. I also like the bright orange color, looks eye catching.

Walaupun di bagian depannya hampir semua text dalam Bahasa Jepang, tapi dibalik kemasannya ada informasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Aku juga suka warna oranye kemasannya, kelihatan menarik.

♛ Design & Formula :  (8/10)
As you can see, the texture of the mask sheet looks so unique. It has lots of mini holes. I think maybe it makes our skin to absorb the essence better. The essence also has milky white color and nice scent.

Kamu bisa lihat kalau tekstur makernya unik banget. Ada banyak lubang kecil-kecilnya. Sepertinya sih biar kulit kita lebih mudah menyerap essence yang ada di masker. Oiya, warna essence nya itu putih mirip susu dan wanginya enak.

♛ Overall : (8/10)
I like how my skin become so fresh after use it for about 15 minutes. I wanna repurchase it again of course, because I'm getting older and I feel like my skin needs Co-Q10 which in the mask's essence. I almost forgot to mention Soybean Isolavone also include in it. The main benefit for our skin is to keep young looking skin. Anyway, don't forget to pat pat you face gently after remove the mask.

Aku suka banget rasanya seger kulitku setelah pakai masker ini. Biasanya aku pkai selama 15 menit aja. Pastinya aku akan beli lagi, soalnya kan kulitku butuh Co-Q10 (maklum udah tua). Aku hampir lupa kalau ada juga Soybean Isolavone di essence masker ini. Nah gunanya itu menjaga agar kulit kita tetap terlihat muda. Oiya, jangan lupa ya tepuk-tepuk wajah secara perlahan kamu setelah pakai masker ini.


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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