Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Last week, I've received a packet from Cow Style Indonesia contained of Bouncia. It's a body soap from Japan. I got it for free but I will write my honest opinion about it so don't worry I won't lie :)

The packaging is pretty simple just like a liquid body soap with pump. The white liquid come out when I push the pump. At first, I thought the bubble foam will comes out from the pump, just like SkinLife facial foam.

To make a bouncy bubble foam I use a shower puff, it comes like the picture below. I like the soft scent of it. Also the bubble is so bouncy on my skin.

I've been using Bouncia for a week and my skin become softer. I really recommend this product for anyone who has dry skin. Anyway, the price I think it's not so expensive, 75.000 Rupiah for 550 ml. Beside the benefit is really nice for my skin. For me it's like the best body soap I've ever tried. I love it! I'll definitely purchase the refill. How about you, what's your favorite body soap?

Minngu lalu aku dapat paket dari Cow Style Indonesia, isinya Bouncia. Baouncia itu sabun dapat secara gratis tapi tulisanku ini jujur jadi jangan khawatir aku gak akan bohong :) Kemasannya cukup simpel seperti sabun cair kebanyakan yang menggunakan pump. Kalau ditekan pump-nya ada cairan putih yang keluar.
Awalnya, aku pikir akan keluar berbentuk busa, seperti SkinLife facial foam. Nah, untuk membuat busa yang bouncy aku pake shower puff, jadi deh busa seperti gambar berikut.

Aku suka aroma lembutnya. Juga busa yang bouncy di kulit. Aku udah coba Bouncia selama seminggu dan kulitku benar benar terasa lebih lembut. Produk ini recommended banget untuk kamu yang punya kulit kering. Oia, harganya juga gak begitu mahal, Rp. 75.000 untuk 550 ml. Selain itu manfaat benar-benar baik untuk kulit. Menurutku, Bouncia itu sabun terbaik yang pernah kucoba, aku benar benar suka. Nantinya aku pasti akan beli kemasan yang isi ulang. Bagaimana dengan kamu, apa yang sabun favoritmu?


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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